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Easter Lilies/ Easter Alms

In lieu of Easter Lilies, you will be able to donate in memory or in honor of loved ones. The money this year will go to UMCOR and will be designated for Ukraine relief. Yes, there are UM Churches in Eastern Europe. They are at work now. Giving through UMCOR means that all money will go to relief. The UMC pays all administrative costs. There is a minimum of $20. However, you know that the need is great and we ask that you give accordingly.

1. Put your contribution in the offering plate at anytime. Make checks out to Providence UMC and designate it for Ukraine. If you give cash, please place in an envelope designated “Ukraine.”

2. If you would like you contribution recognized, you will need to fill out the “Easter Alms” sheet and give that to Frankie Locklair by April 10, 2022.

You may print out the sheet below.

Ann and Bill in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

This is a message from Ann and Bill about the work they are doing in Africa, It was sent to Deedee so we could share it with the Providence Family. Take a look at the videos, some truly blessed work being done.

Hi, Deedee and Mike,

There are no expats travelling to and from Goma anymore, but wanted to get a note of appreciation to Providence UMC. I don’t have an e-mail address, so am sending it to them via you. Thanks for passing it along!

Mainly we wanted to say thanks for the love and support that continues.

But also, it may be of interest to share a few short videos of the work here.

Bill is still travelling off and on… Somalia, South Sudan, Yemen.

First is one I made of the volcano/earthquake relief we have accomplished with our colleagues here:

Then Sunday school children singing “I know who I am”

And another which is a bit of a tour…

We are planning for a VBS for a few days in September.

We are starting a ministry to street kinds in Sept. as well.

In October we have planned a training of Sunday School teachers.
There’s always plenty to keep us all busy!



Help needed in Holly Hill.

A bit off topic. The Tri-County Chamber of Commerce is searching for someone to man the Holly Hill visitors office in the old train depot. We are looking for someone to be there four hours a day, Monday to Thursday. This is basically answering an occasional phone call and greeting locals and visitors to the town. If you, or someone you know might be interested in this, please give me a call at 496-3316 or Sandy Price at the Chamber. 843-563-8187

March 9, 2021 Update

Hello Friends,

What a year it has been! I don’t think anyone could’ve imagined how COVID-19 would have affected us. Over this past year, we remember how fragile our lives really are. We have lost many of our members, family and friends in the community. Every day I remember them and their families during my prayers. I am thankful for their memories because it has gotten me through these tough times. I know many of you have told me the memories are getting you through these difficult times.  But the good news that we have is COVID-19 has strengthened our relationship with others. We now know that we aren’t alone in whatever comes our way; we have each other and most importantly God. We also know that we need to cherish each other! That is something I will never take for granted again. My prayers will continue to be with all of you as we move ahead. 

As the COVID-19 numbers are decreasing here in South Carolina and Providence community, the leadership has given the green light to go back into our Sanctuary for worship. This will take place on Easter Sunday. We will have a Sunrise service at 7:00 AM and a regular Easter Service at 11AM. I, for one, am thankful for this opportunity to again worship in our beautiful Sanctuary. We will continue to be inside as long as the numbers stay where they are. So, we will only have one service Easter and beyond in the Sanctuary. I will miss the outdoor service under a great picnic shed and maybe we can hold an outdoor service every now and then! The radio broadcast will still be available for those who don’t feel comfortable worshiping inside. We continue to ask that you wear a facemask while in worship. We do have some mask available as well as plenty hand sanitizer. We will also be socially distanced in our Sanctuary. That means “your” pew might not be open. I ask that if your pew is not open, please find another pew. 

With worship going back to normal, we will begin April 18th with Sunday School. I know that we have gotten away from Sunday School during this time, but I urge everyone to attend Sunday School. It is a vital part of our Christian faith. It is necessary for us to have a strong Christian education so when things get rough, we have a strong foundation of what we have learned in Sunday School. It is also a time where we have honest conversations with people in our church family. Sunday School is just one way we can strengthen our relationship with God and others.

One last thing, I am very thankful for Mike and Deedee Kullenberg with their help with the outdoor service. They have helped every Sunday set up the sound system and pass out bulletins. We have battled the weather (rain, cold and heat) to provide a meaningful worship experience. If you see them, please thank them for their service! Again, I am honored to be your minister at Providence. We have gone through so much together. I thank God every day that I get to walk alongside you in your Christian journey. If there is anything I can do, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Blessings and see you soon,

Rev. Justin Ritter

Christmas Eve 2020

Friends, due to the expected storms this afternoon, we are canceling our outdoor service, BUT we WILL have a drive by prayer and communion in front of the church. This will begin at 4 PM and run until 6 PM. Please use the driveway between the church and parsonage upon entering. Please help spread this to our members and community. All are welcome!

On December 27th, we will have a Christmas Celebration for our outdoor service. It begins at 10 AM.

I hope everyone has a safe and joyous Christmas! Remember, the light has come into the darkness. Whatever darkness we are experiencing, there is light. Hope. Joy. Love. Peace.

Christmas Sanctuary

It has been very difficult for us to enjoy our Sanctuary especially for the Christmas season. Even with that our dedicated church decorators did a wonderful job of preparing the sanctuary for the holly season of Christmas. Thanks so much to everyone that participated, even though it has been hidden because of the virus. Back better than ever in 21.