March 30, 2014

Friday and Saturday many members of Providence UMC were working for the Providence Fire Department BBQ which was a huge success, raising much need money for the effectiveness of our fire personnel. Saturday night the parking lot was full as was the church for the installation of the men in the Emmaus Walk community, it was a joy to see the church involved in this ministry with persons on this spiritual journey. I have had many members to enhance their faith journey as a part of this ministry. However Sunday morning I had to make a call to a member because the septic system was not able to handle the demand placed on it. LOL  Howard Shuler, a member, was here in a few minutes to help resolve the problem along with Mike Kullenberg, the chair of trustees. This is the type of church that is Providence UMC. I can look out my window and see two beautiful ball fields, built by members for the benefit of the youth in our community. Next Sunday we will have our dedication for the season in our 11 o’clock worship service and all the teams and coaches will be a part of this experience: Majors, Minors, Darlings, Angels, P.T., C.P.  Wee Ball and Tee Ball. Last week our MYF’ers said they would like to help with the children’s ministry, I am looking forward to our youth as they work together. What a joy it is to pastor one of the most viable country churches in SC Methodism. Thanks again to Mike and my wife who work so diligently to make this sight meaningful for this beautiful place to minister for the kingdom of God. I pray that our planting season will prove to be fruitful for our farmers, this church could not be what it is without all our members and you certainly give as God blesses you. May God Bless this church as we now look forward to the Spring and Summer in joyful anticipation.