Category Archives: Pastors Corner

Tuesday, March 25 Update

Hello Providence Church Family,

I am encouraged by the outpouring of support during this difficult and strange time. I am trying to find unique ways we can still come together as a church family. We worshiped together on Sunday on 96.5 FM (we will be doing it again this Sunday at 11AM). I held a devotional on Facebook (I will be posting it weekly). Now, I am going to offer a time of prayer on Friday at noon on Facebook. There are many ways to connect with us! Make sure to check out the church webpage ( for updates, videos and audio if you don’t have Facebook! 

Please remember that our church’s financial responsibilities continue even though we aren’t meeting at the church. We will use the parsonage for our tithes and offerings. I will get them and arrange for Rusty to pick up and deposit. We need to reach out to each other either by calls or cards to keep us connected to our community. We can’t gather at the church, but we can gather in heart and spirit by keeping in contact with each other. We will continue to pray for our community, our nation and our world.

If there is anything I can do, let me know! Take care and may God bless each of you!

Grace and Peace,
Rev. Justin Ritter

Radio Service Updated with Service Audio

Please Listen to the Service

We are living in some crazy times right now. The one thing that we need for than ever is a safe place to worship and pray together. I am teaming up with two other ministers in the area (Rev. Jon Hoin, minister of the Elloree Charge, and Rev. Sara Relaford, minister of St. Paul UMC in St. Matthews) to bring you a time of prayer, scripture, and reflection tomorrow morning, Sunday, March 22, from 11:00 AM- 11:30 AM on 96.5 FM radio in Orangeburg. Anyone in the area can tune in for this time of worship. We feel that it is imperative to continue our worship together during this time of need. I invite you to share this as we come together during this crazy time. As well, if there are any prayer concerns or other needs during this time, please feel free to reach out to me! Blessings to you all and stay safe!


At Providence United Methodist Church
Farmer Church Service MAR15-007
On Sunday, March 1, 2015, a special “Blessing of the Sowing” worship service was held at Providence UMC. Pastor Terry Martin used Matthew 13 as the theme. The idea stemmed from the “Blessing of the Fleet” ceremony used in areas of South Carolina where captains and boats are blessed and prayers are made for bountiful harvests in the coastal waters of the state.
Farming has always been the major income producing industry of Providence Community, located seven miles west of Holly Hill. Rev. Martin’s idea of having this service of blessing was accepted with enthusiasm by those who continue to work with the soil. These farmers brought seed, flats of plants ready to plant, and farm machinery to church on March 1 for blessing. Miniature tractors also lined the altar rail.
Following the singing of the last hymn, Bringing in the Sheaves, the congregation assembled outside where tractors and various other pieces of farm equipment were parked on the church ground. Church families involved in the farming industry stood in front of this equipment which represented millions of dollars invested in this field. Using an evergreen branch and the church baptismal basin, Rev. Martin offered prayers and blessings for those who work in this field as well as for many others who have jobs and income related to this occupation. This was an opportunity to remember the need and reality of God’s blessings in every avenue of life, because the farmers have seen both profitable years and years of devastating losses.
A visiting couple, traveling from Boston to Florida to seek warmer weather, stopped to worship at Providence on that Sunday. They were in awe of the fact that a service would be dedicated to those whose work is so closely related to their faith and said it was one of the most moving services they had ever witnessed.
In addition to being primarily a farming community, the families here have sent children into many other fields. These include banking, construction, education, industries, insurance, journalism, legal, management, medical and sales.
Life in Providence is centered around this Methodist church which was established by circuit riding preachers in the 1700’s. The first church building was constructed around 1810. Research shows that Providence UMC has always paid 100% of the conference apportionments for as far back as records exist.

August 25, 2014

Since becoming the pastor of Providence UMC I have been made aware of the history of this beautiful church and it’s involvement with the life of our community. Once we had a store on the corner, now Bart’s Corner, and also Providence school, now they are both gone. The only “center” of the Providence Community is the church and across the road is our community fire department. Our wonderful ball fields are located on some of the old school grounds. The ball fields have a lot of activity for several months on church property and then go quiet. A few months ago a group of person convened and established a community watch that was being housed at the fire department. The fire department decided that the crime watch could no longer meet at the department. A call was made to me asking if they could meet in one of our church buildings. I called David Shuler and we decided that since this was a community centered activity they could meet in our social hall. I certainly support this decision because I want the church to be the center of activity for the once strong Providence family. Hopefully this will meet with approval of our church family and is a step in endeavoring to strengthen our community. I have talked with several of you as to how we can make the church a vital part of Providence. We placed a sign on “Bart’s Corner” communicating information regarding events that occur here at Providence. It is our goal that persons who do not attend this church will read the sign and want to become involved with us.  I encourage all of you to help in making our church a center of activity for persons within the Providence Community. We want all who visit here to feel the warmth, spirit and constructive direction our church hopefully is willing to project. If our church is going to survive we all must take an active roll and support the programs that are inspired by our leaders. Recently we stated a Men’s program, it is doing rather well and has a solid group of men who attend our monthly breakfast on the first Sunday at 8:30 AM. We invite all men to come and be a part of this time of fellowship, a time to get to know one another. There must be some missional projects that we can provide as leaders, those projects are yet to be determined. I know our Methodist Women, and Methodist Youth have been involved in various projects that have required time and dedication. Many children have had an exciting time playing on the new ark and swings. We need to decided what are we going to do with the tennis courts that are not used for tennis any more. Kids, during ball season, have a grand ol time playing ball on this old court. Prayfully more of us will get involved to make our church a visible center and a lively heartbeat for the wonderful Providence Community.


March 30, 2014

Friday and Saturday many members of Providence UMC were working for the Providence Fire Department BBQ which was a huge success, raising much need money for the effectiveness of our fire personnel. Saturday night the parking lot was full as was the church for the installation of the men in the Emmaus Walk community, it was a joy to see the church involved in this ministry with persons on this spiritual journey. I have had many members to enhance their faith journey as a part of this ministry. However Sunday morning I had to make a call to a member because the septic system was not able to handle the demand placed on it. LOL  Howard Shuler, a member, was here in a few minutes to help resolve the problem along with Mike Kullenberg, the chair of trustees. This is the type of church that is Providence UMC. I can look out my window and see two beautiful ball fields, built by members for the benefit of the youth in our community. Next Sunday we will have our dedication for the season in our 11 o’clock worship service and all the teams and coaches will be a part of this experience: Majors, Minors, Darlings, Angels, P.T., C.P.  Wee Ball and Tee Ball. Last week our MYF’ers said they would like to help with the children’s ministry, I am looking forward to our youth as they work together. What a joy it is to pastor one of the most viable country churches in SC Methodism. Thanks again to Mike and my wife who work so diligently to make this sight meaningful for this beautiful place to minister for the kingdom of God. I pray that our planting season will prove to be fruitful for our farmers, this church could not be what it is without all our members and you certainly give as God blesses you. May God Bless this church as we now look forward to the Spring and Summer in joyful anticipation.