Start of Lent!


Tuesday March 5 will be our Shrove Tuesday Breakfast at 6 PM. Please come out and have fun and fellowship. I know you will have a BLAST (yes I am planning something fun for us so BE PRESENT!!).

Wednesday March 6 is Ash Wednesday. We will have a drop-by prayer and ashes from 7AM- 8AM. We will ALSO have a service at 6PM that night. Come out to start our 40 days of Lent.

Thursday March 8 will be Children’s Time at 6:30PM. Dinner will be provided and will be every Friday night until Easter! 

Tuesday March 12 at 6:00 PM will be our Lent Bible Study. I still have one book left if anyone is willing to join. It will meet each Tuesday night during Lent.

Easter is right around the corner! So check back to see what we will be doing Holy Week and Easter Day!

I am back (still trying to take it easy) and ready to start our Lenten Journey together. Help us spread the word about all the activities! 

See you then!