Easter Lilies/ Easter Alms

In lieu of Easter Lilies, you will be able to donate in memory or in honor of loved ones. The money this year will go to UMCOR and will be designated for Ukraine relief. Yes, there are UM Churches in Eastern Europe. They are at work now. Giving through UMCOR means that all money will go to relief. The UMC pays all administrative costs. There is a minimum of $20. However, you know that the need is great and we ask that you give accordingly.

1. Put your contribution in the offering plate at anytime. Make checks out to Providence UMC and designate it for Ukraine. If you give cash, please place in an envelope designated “Ukraine.”

2. If you would like you contribution recognized, you will need to fill out the “Easter Alms” sheet and give that to Frankie Locklair by April 10, 2022.

You may print out the sheet below.

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